Camille Guillerey Camille Guillerey

Does Perfectionism Kill Productivity?

We often take pride in being a perfectionist but sometimes, perfectionism tendencies are counter-productive. This blog looks at the direct effects of perfectionism on work performance. Let’s see whether you could achieve more by being a little less harsh on yourself!

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Camille Guillerey Camille Guillerey

It’s a New Year! Let’s make yourself the priority for 2025!

For 2025, let’s make yourself the priority! I invite you to incorporate small self-care habits into your daily life. This is not just to prevent burn-out, not just to make sure that you can still take care of your family, not just so that you remain productive at work… simple self-care practices are what are gonna allow you to thrive! The ultimate goal is to soak up happiness and fully enjoy this new year.

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Camille Guillerey Camille Guillerey

Time to reflect on 2024… Make sure to do it with kindness!

We’re reaching the end of the year. This is a time when most of us will look back on the goals we had set up for 2024 and assess how far we’ve gone. And if you’re like me, that’s when you realise that you have not done half of what you had set yourself for at the beginning of the year… But you’ve surely made some progress, maybe your priorities have changed, maybe you’ve been confronted to new challenges and have learned some valuable lessons. Let’s make sure that you review your goals with self-compassion, so you come out of this exercise feeling confident and motivated to tackle up big things in 2025.

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Camille Guillerey Camille Guillerey

How to keep your sanity this holiday season?

Christmas is a time filled with joy and magic. For many of us, we have wonderful childhood memories that we aim to recreate for our children. But keeping up with family traditions can sometimes be a bit too much. As much as we want Christmas to be magical for our children, this should not come at the expense of our own health and wellbeing. So let’s have a look at how we can make the festive season enjoyable for everyone, including ourselves!

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Camille Guillerey Camille Guillerey

Should you work after putting the kids to bed?

Working at night is often seen as a “NOT TO” when it comes to work-life balance. In my opinion, this is often true, but not always… What if you decide to attend a pilates class in the afternoon and compensate by working an extra hour in the evening? Or what if ticking a few things off your list after dinner allows you to leave the office earlier and spend more time with your family? In this blog article, I unpack the pros and cons of working after you put the kids to bed.

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Camille Guillerey Camille Guillerey

Do you Make Time for Fun?

How do working mums make time for fun? Unfortunately, many don’t. But this has a cost, because leisure is a life domain that weighs heavily on our wellbeing. So let’s have a look at how we can re-incorporate fun into our busy lives.

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Camille Guillerey Camille Guillerey

Is Mum Guilt Limiting your Career?

Mum guilt is such a common feeling! Guilt is practically ingrained in motherhood. Yet, this guilt is doing us a disservice, so let’s have a look and see if we can approach work-family clashes differently.

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Camille Guillerey Camille Guillerey

Balancing Work and Family, are Boundaries the Answer?

How blurred are the lines between your work and your family life? Do feel the urge to check and reply emails during family dinners? Do you constantly cancel your weekend plans for some urgent deadline? Do you find yourself putting in extra hours at work just because your colleague failed to do their job? If so, you might want to consider your boundaries…

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Camille Guillerey Camille Guillerey

Managing the Morning Rush

How you go through the first morning hours sets the tone for the entire day. It will determine your child’s emotional state during the transition from school to home. Have you noticed that your child is clingier at drop-offs and separation is more difficult when you two had a rough morning? Have you also noticed how you ruminate about the morning events during the first hours of your workday, and how this impacts your performance? That’s why it’s worth taking a close look at your routine so everyone in the family starts the day on the right foot.

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Camille Guillerey Camille Guillerey

Finding your Balance as a Mum

Motherhood is a constant juggle. We’re always running out of time and we often find ourselves frustrated of not being able to dedicate ourselve fully to any area of our lives. Although there is no miracle solution for a balanced life, there are a few steps you can take to find your own peace amidst the chaos of motherhood.

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Camille Guillerey Camille Guillerey

The Weight of the Invisible Load on Mums’ shoulders

The invisible load contribute to mums’ exhaustion in a very insidious way. Mums are rarely recognised for all the planning, scheduling and monitoring work they’e doing for the family. And mums themselves might not even be aware of it! Yet, they feel mentally and emotionally drained by this unseen labour.

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Camille Guillerey Camille Guillerey

The Power of Connection

As mothers, connection is an essential piece of our wellbeing. We strive when we feel connected to our children, we provide them with unconditional love. But we also need to feel love and comforted ourselves. Authentic relationships, where we can be vulnerable and accepted for who we are, is what helps us navigate the chaos of motherhood. We need our village!

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Camille Guillerey Camille Guillerey

Mindfulness for Busy Mums

As mums, we spend most of our days on autopilot, ticking tasks off our to-do list… But do you take time to breathe?

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